People hurt due to car crashes often expect to benefit from compassionate support and generous compensation. They believe that the clear connection between their new medical challenges and the crash they experienced should allow them to access sufficient insurance coverage for their medical expenses and lost wages.
Unfortunately, particularly when injuries are relatively severe, the people hurt by a crash often face an uphill battle. The reality is that insurance providers often look for any excuse to deny or limit claims following major collisions. In many cases, people pursuing insurance claims require thorough medical evidence when requesting financial compensation after a crash.
Why medical records matter
One of the first and most important ways that medical records help those injured by crashes is through the establishment of a new medical challenge. Being able to prove that someone did not struggle with this particular injury previously is often important. The initial diagnosis occurring as soon as possible after the crash also helps make the connection between someone’s injuries and the collision evident.
Thorough medical records can also help establish how serious the condition is. Insurance providers and those to blame for a crash might try to claim that the party injured can continue to work and doesn’t need compensation for lost wages. Thorough records that may include a functional capacity examination can help establish exactly how someone’s new medical challenges might affect their ability to work or live without certain accommodations.
Medical records are verifiable and trustworthy, making them an authoritative source of information following a motor vehicle collision. Without in-depth medical records, people filing insurance claims or following up an insurance claim with a lawsuit may struggle to prove that their condition is severe enough to warrant significant compensation and that the crash is the true cause of their symptoms.
Most people seeking out medical care after a crash don’t spend much time thinking about the need for proof. Partnering with an attorney can make it easier for people to gather the evidence they need and negotiate for proper compensation after a car crash. A lawyer helping with insurance matters and medical documentation can also help someone identify when a lawsuit might be necessary due to a mediocre settlement or inadequate insurance coverage.